// Cell News 02/2024
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Image Slide: Nuclei of pupal Drosophila pseudoobscura developing male gametes stained with Dapi. Creator: Maik Bischoff, Peifer Lab

Adult zebrafish mesonephros cryosection. Cryosection of the mesonephros from an adult fli1a:GFP Danio rerio, stained with Phalloidin (red) to label the tubular system and DAPI (blue) to stain nuclei. GFP is beautifully expressed in the capillary tuft of the glomeruli (middle).
Creator: Mathieu Preussner, Lab: Virginie Lecaudey

Creator: Annika Graband, Iden lab

Drosophila viridilis testis with musculature stained with phalloidin.
Creator: Maik Bischoff and Sarah Clark, Peifer Lab, UNC Chapel Hill