Nuclei of pupal Drosophila pseudoobscura developing male gametes stained with Dapi. Creator: Maik Bischoff, Peifer Lab, UNC Chapel Hill
How to become a member
Memberships run yearly from January to December.
If you wish to become a member of the DGZ, please complete the downloadable PDF form and follow the instructions.
Membership fees are collected annually, at the start of the year, preferably by direct debit from a German bank account in order to facilitate the Treasurer’s work and to limit administration cost. To this end, we need your written agreement including your banking details. Please kindly use our direct debit form. Alternatively, fees may be wired to the Society’s bank account; details are available at the secretary’s office.
The DGZ welcomes joint applications with the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM). If you wish to become a member of both societies and benefit from special discounts, please complete the application form for each society separately:
DGZ application form
GBM application form can be found at
If you are already a member of the DGZ or GBM society and wish to switch to the combined membership, please send your request to both offices:
For membership cancellation, please send a written statement to the DGZ office ( Cancellations will be effective at the end of the legal year.
DGZ Membership fees
- students: EUR 30.00 / year
- full members: EUR 80.00 / year
- DGZ/GBM combined membership: EUR 60.00 / year*
* Please visit the GBM webpage ( for GBM membership fee information
Honorary Membership
The DGZ grants Honorary Membership to individuals who made ground-breaking accomplishments in the field of cell biology. The number of honorary members is limited to 20.
Honorary members will be chosen by the Executive Committee upon request.