CellNews Information

Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie e.V. (DGZ)
(German Society for Cell Biology)

Editor-in-Chief: President of the Society

Instructions for Authors

Cell News is the publication organ of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ). Currently Cell News publishes research news in the format of a Minireview and Perspective article. Minireviews provide a concise overview of a certain cell biological topic, while Perspectives provide a more personal viewpoint of the author, usually with emphasis on the author’s own scientific contributions.

File formats
Manuscript text and tables should be provided as Microsoft Word or rich-text-format (RTF) documents, figures as JPEG files with lowest compression and a resolution of 300 dpi. Movie files should be compatible with Quicktime and compressed with a common codec, such as MPEG-4 or Sorenson-3.

Word count
Articles should have a word count between 2000 and 3000 words and contain up to 4 figures. Longer articles and higher figure numbers are acceptable at the editor’s discretion.

Text and References
Authors are free to divide their text into subsections, however, they should provide an abstract (up to 200 words). Figures and tables should be cited in numerical order and references to figures should be abbreviated with “Fig.” or “Figs.”. The reference style of Mol. Biol. Cell. should be used.
Example: Kleylein‐Sohn J, Westendorf J, Le Clech M, Habedanck R, Stierhof Y‐D, Nigg EA (2007). Plk4‐induced centriole biogenesis in human cells. Dev Cell 13, 190–202. In the text this would be cited as (Kleylein-Sohn et al., 2007). In case less than three authors each author is named.

Cover suggestions
Cover suggestions are welcome

Manuscripts should be sent by email to the DGZ Office, dgz@dkfz.de
If possible the manuscript and all additional files should be sent as a single ZIP archive. If data sets are too large for email submission please contact the secretary at dgz@dkfz.de

Publication costs
Publication in Cell News is free of charge for non-commercial articles.

Reviewing process
All manuscripts are reviewed by members of the editorial board, who decide on acceptance and may ask for revisions.