Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Zellbiologie e.V. (DGZ)
(German Society for Cell Biology)
Harald Herrmann
editorial board:
Ralph Gräf
Ludwig Eichinger
Oliver Gruss
Friedemann Kiefer
Thomas Magin
Every article stands in the responsibility of the author.
For unsolicited sent manuscripts the society does not
undertake liability. Reproduction, also in part, only
with permission of the society and with reference.
editorial offce
Sabine Reichel-Klingmann
Offce of the German Society
for Cell Biology
c/o German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221/42-3451
Fax: 06221/42-3452
abcdruck GmbH
Waldhofer Str. 19 · 69123 Heidelberg
Media creation:
Anna Wagner
frequency of publication:
4 issues yearly
For DGZ members free of charge
if you are interested in advertising,
please contact the dgz offce
Missing members:
Inci Aydin
Olga Besharova
Dr. Jayachandran Goplakrishnan
Dr. Guido Großmann
Kendra Korinna Maaß, MSc.
Frauke Mücksch
Dr. Marija Plodinec
Dr. Ivo Telley
The DGZ welcomes the following new members:
Stephan Adelt
Marwan Al Falah
Jens Altrichter
Dorit Arlt
Jennifer Baltes
Tanja Barendziak
Christian Barth
Friederike Bathe
Manuel Bauer
Wolfgang Bielke
Jessica Blume
Peter Brandt
Theo Brigge
Julia Bubeck
Johann Bumann
Winfried Busch
Stacy Carl-McGrath
Rüdiger Cerff
Philip Dannhauser
Ivona Djuric
Ulrich Drews
Hans-Georg Eckert
Jana Frahm
Michael Fredrich
Eckhard Friedrich
Christiane Gerlach
Julia Groß
Horst Hameister
Kristina Hartmann
Detlev Herbst
Michael Hilker
Anna-Lena Hillje
Giselbert Hinz
Christa Hochhuth
Jan Hönnemann
Christine Hoffmann
Jens Hoffmann
Thomas Jarchau
Günter Kahl
Dennis Kahlisch
Leila Kahlisch
Antje Kettelhake
Erich Knop
Susanne Köthe
Karl-Hermann Korfsmeier
Martina Kralewski
Robert Krautz
Bernd Krüger
Ralf Kuchenbecker
Christian Kutzleb
Philipp Lange
Gilbert Lauter
Friederike Lehmann
Lothar Lucka
Anne Meinzinger
Elena Motrescu
Jens Müller
Philipp Niethammer
Thomas Noll
Tobias Ölschläger
Adaling Ogilvie
Andrea Pauli
Gerd Paulus
Stephan Peter
Kirsten Peters
Winfried Peters
Alexander Petrovitch
Johannes Pohlner
Eduard Resch
Filomena Ricciardi
Astrid Riehl
Josef Rüschoff
Wilhelm Sachsenmaier
Klaus-Dieter Scharf
Timo Schinköthe
Katharina Schönrath
Daniela Schreiber
Gerd Schwarz
Udo Seedorf
Klaus Seidl
Karsten Spring
Nadime Ünver
Jürgen Voigt
Wibke Wagner
Michaela Waibel
Horst Waldvogel
Diego J. Walther
Shuoshuo Wang
We have no valid address from the members listed below. If anybody can help us in this
respect, please send a message to the DGZ offce at