Cell News | Issue 01, 2018 - page 4

Cell News 01/2018
We all hope you had a great start into the year 2018. The latest
Cell News is at the same time the meeting guide for the DGZ
Young Scientists’ Forum, which will take place in Berlin on
February 26-27. This forum organized by Simone Reber from the
IRI Lifesciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is targeted at
Junior research group leaders, postdocs and PhD students with
an exciting mix of outstanding science, networking, discussion
and science communication. Simone, together with her co-or-
ganizers Robert Ernst, James Saenz, Peter Bieling, Alex Bird, Alba
Diz-Muñoz, Gaia Pigino, Stephan Preibisch and Dora Tang, put to-
gether an exciting program covering several of the latest exciting
topics in cell biology. We hope you enjoy the meeting!!! On behalf
of the executive board, thank you Simone for organizing such a
greet young investigator meeting.
For those of you that attend the meeting but are not yet a
Please become a member and be part of the German
international cell biology community.
Events like this, as well
as other networking initiatives as well as interest representation
of our community can only be sustained through membership
support. Student membership are only 20 Euros, Full membership
only 60 Euro. To become a member go to:
We also would like to announce the 2018 “International German
Society of Cell Biology” meeting that will take place in Leipzig on
September 17-19, 2018. The program committee and chairs are in
the final stages of assembling the program. We are proud to an-
nounce that the Royal Microscopical Society will help co-organize
the 2018 Leipzig and contribute one session.
This Cell News contains the latest update on this program. We
encourage all our members to come and also send non-member
PhD students and postdocs. The number of abstract selected talks
has been increased.
Finally, we will in the next month send an online questionnaire to
all members addressing membership expectations. Please fill this
out as this is of great help to shape society activities.
The DGZ Executive Board
Carien Niessen
Oliver Gruss
Thomas Magin
Karin Schumacher
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