Cell News | Issue 01, 2014 - page 5

International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology
March 18 - 21, 2014, Regensburg, Germany
Organized by Eugen Kerkhoff, Thomas Dresselhaus, Stefanie Sprunck
The international meeting presents the current state of research in the rapidly developing field of Cell Biology, a fundamental discip-
line for all life sciences. The format and programme of the meeting provides an international platform for presentation and discussion
of the most recent and exciting achievements in cell biology. We strongly support young scientists by short talks, poster sessions and
educational events such as a special session on publishing and funding.
The Meeting 2014 in Regensburg has an emphasis on combining the two evolutionary separated metazon kingdoms, the animal and
plant cell biology.
The "Annual Meeting of the German Society for Matrix Biology (DGMB)" will be held in Regensburg in parallel with the "International
Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ)". We have scheduled a combined session on "cell adhesion and signalling" for
Thursday March 20th, and a party together in the evening. The meetings are partially overlapping in time (International Meeting
(DGZ), Tuesday - Friday; Annual Meeting (DGMB), Thursday - Saturday) and we offer the possibility of a double registration.
In the name of the organizing committee (Eugen Kerkhoff, Thomas Dresselhaus and Stefanie Sprunck) I am happy to welcome you to
join the exciting cell biology meeting in the historic city of Regensburg.
Eugen Kerkhoff
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