Cell News | Issue 02, 2014 - page 29

Life at the Edge: The Nuclear Envelope in Nucleo-
cytoplasmic Transport, Genome Organization and
Cell Cycle Regulation
23 – 26 July, 2014, Potsdam
Molecular exchange between the nucleus and the cytoplasm is mediated by nuclear pore comple-
xes (NPCs), which are embedded in the nuclear envelope (NE). Proteins of the NPCs and the NE play
important roles in genome organization and cell cycle regulation, underlining their importance for
cellular and organismal health. We are only beginning to understand the complexity in the interplay
between the NE, the genome and the cell cycle. The meeting will start with a keynote EMBO lecture
given by Günter Blobel. The following sessions will focus on the structural analysis of NE proteins,
NE-genome interactions, NE assembly and disassembly, aspects of nucleocytoplasmic transport and
the link between NE proteins and cell cycle regulation. A poster session as well as several short talks
selected from the abstracts will provide ample opportunities for in-depth discussions.
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