Cell News 01/2017
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I am very grateful to Professor Ivan Dikic for his support. I wish
to thank all the present and past members of the Dikic and Beh-
rends laboratories. I am thankful to all our internal as well as
external collaborators for their help with this work. I also thank
the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds for supporting my graduate
work. Finally, I wish to thank Nikon and the DGZ for selecting
and honoring our work.
About the author
Evgenij Fiškin studied biochemistry at the Freie University Berlin
with support from the German National Academic Founda-
tion. Evgenij did his Diploma thesis in the laboratories of Sven
Diederichs and Lee Zou at the German Cancer Research Center
and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He then moved to the
Goethe University Frankfurt, where in 2016 he received his PhD
working as a Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds fellow in the group of
Ivan Dikic at the Institute of Biochemistry. His postdoctoral re-
search is focused on the investigation of novel cytoskeletal and
inflammatory regulators during bacterial pathogenesis using a
combination of high-accuracy mass-spectrometry, cell biological
and biochemical approaches.
Evgenij Fiskin and Frank Schütze (Nikon GmbH)