Cell News 3/2013
DGZ Member Meeting 2014
We are inviting all members to attend our next member meeting that will take place on
Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 13:00
at the International Meeting of the DGZ in Regensburg.
1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last year’s DGZ member meeting 2013
2. The president’s annual report
3. Financial report
4. The auditors’ report
5. Approval of the executive board
6. DGZ election 2014 – 2016
7. Change of the DGZ bylaws
8. „Other“
The DGZ executive board
“The extracellular matrix in basic, translational
and clinical research”
Annual meeting of the German Society for Matrix Biology (GSMB) in Regensburg March, 20th to 22th 2014. One of the highlights
will be a joint plenary session together with the German Society for Cell Biology on Thursday afternoon, the 20th.
This year conference chairs are:
Susanne Grässel
, Orthopedic Surgery, Exp. Orthopedics, University of Regensburg
Attila Aszodi
, Trauma Surgery, Exp. Surgery and Regenerative Medicine, LMU Munich
Invited speakers include:
Sara Wickström
, MPI Cologne, Germany
Charles Streuli
, Manchester, UK
Christa Maes
, Leuven, Belgium
Dieter P. Reinhardt
, Montreal, Canada
Erhard Hohenester
, London, UK
Markus Böhm
, Dermatology, Münster, Germany
Paolo Bianco
, Dept. Molecular Medicine, Rome, Italy
Gero J. van Osch
, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Sabine Eming
, Cologne, Germany
Preliminary program and other meeting information will be available soon under our society homepage: