Cell News 3/2013
The Executive Board and three members of the Advisory Board, two auditors and three members
of the prize jury shall be elected for the term of office 2014 – 2016.
The candidates are:
Executive Board:
Ralph Gräf (Potsdam) as President
Carien Niessen (Köln) as Vice President
Oliver Gruss (Heidelberg) as Chief Operating Officer
Klemens Rottner (Bonn) as Secretary
Advisory Board:
Thomas Dresselhaus (Regensburg)
Volker Gerke (Münster)
Doris Wedlich (Karlsruhe)
Marie-Christine Dabauvalle (Würzburg)
Hans-Georg Mannherz (Bochum)
Prize Jury:
Zoya Ignatova (Potsdam)
Frank Schnorrer (Martinsried)
Walter Witke (Bonn)
Members of the Executive Committee are elected among the active members by secret postal vote.
The ballot paper will be sent to the DGZ members by mail.
DGZ ELECTION 2014 – 2016
Prof. Dr. rer. nat Ralph Gräf
as President
Born March 22
, 1965
Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, Dept. of Cell Biology, University of Potsdam
Study of biology at the Technische Universität München until 1990. 1991-1994 Ph.D. in the lab of Prof. Helmut Wieczorek
at the Institute for Zoology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Topic: "Molecular Analysis Of The Insect
V-ATPase Catalytical Complex". 1994-1996 Postdoc with Prof. W. R. Harvey at the Temple University, Philadelphia, USA in
an NIH joint project with Prof. Wieczorek. 1996-2005 group leader at the Institute for Cell Biology of the LMU headed by
Prof. Manfred Schliwa. 2002 habilitation in "cell biology" at the medical faculty of the LMU with the topic "Molecular And
Functional Analysis Of The Dictyostelium Centrosome". 2005 - 2006 employment as an imaging specialist for laser scanning
microscopy at the Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH, Jena. Since October 2006 professor for cell biology at the University of
ASCB, DGZ (secretary from 2001-2005, chief operating officer from 2010-2012, vice president from 2012-2014).
Current research:
Functional analyses of centrosome and microtubule-associated proteins, interactions of centrosomes with nuclear structures
using Dictyostelium amoebae as a model system. These issues are invesigated with molecular biologal, biochemical and mi-
croscopical methods.