Cell News | Issue 03, 2014 - page 25

Cell News 2/2014
Future Meetings
Sessions I:
Mechanical properties of cancer cells I
Paul Janmey
Mechanical sensing by normal and transformed cells
Cynthia Reinhart-King
Individual and collective metastatic cell migration behaviors
Giovanni Cappello
Applying controlled mechanical pressure on tumor cells aggregates
Daniel Fletcher
Mechanical constraints and cancer
Inke Näthke
Early changes in tissue organisation and structure in colorectal
Lance L. Munn
Biomechanical processes and topological dynamics in tumors
Franziska Wetzel
Caveolae-mediated mechanotransduction in single cells and
imaging of confined spheroids
Session II:
Membranes and the cytoskeleton
Patricia Bassereau
Pulling with filopodia: high forces on weak connections
David M. Helfman
Oncogenic signaling and the cytoskeleton
Joel Beaudouin
Mechanism of CD95 clustering and activation at the single cell
Jasna Brujic
Mimicking tissues with densely packed lipid droplets
Timo Betz
The mechanics of invasion: How contraction sets the stage for
invasive migration
Krystyn J. van Vliet
Chemomechanics of cell migration and activation in the cancer
Annica K. B. Gad
Oncogenic cell transformation changes the nanoscale organization
of adhesions, vimentin filaments and cell stiffness
Sessions III:
Mechanical properties of cancer cells II
Jacques Prost
Analysis of a few in vitro experiments
Kristian Franze
Mechanotransduction in developing cell systems
Programm Overview
Michael Höckel
Association between embryonic development and locoregional
cancer progression
Angelika M. Vollmar
Biophysical characterization of the myxobacterial compound Sora-
phen A: an innovative option to fight invasive cancer
Daria Bonazzi
Actin-based transport adapts polar cap size to local curvature
Karin Forsberg Nilsson
Modeling glioma and targeting the glioma niche
Session IV:
Microtools for study and diagnostics in cancer research
Dino Di Carlo
Measuring cell mechanics for medicine
Timothy Newman
Quantifying metastasis using rare events
Melda Tozluoglu
Plasticity of cancer cell migration: Extracellular matrix enables the
optimisation of blebbing, adhesions, and spreading
Franziska Lautenschläger
Micromechanical tools to study the role of vimentin in cells
Sylvie Hénon
Role of serum response factor in the mechanotransduction of
Session V:
Cell migration in cancer
Raphaël Voituriez
Active gels, cell motility and cell trajectories
Claudia Fischbach-Teschl
Tissue engineering approaches and their relevance to studying
tumor-stroma interactions
Ana-Suncana Smith
Toward the understanding of the growth of model epithelial tissues
Rhoda J. Hawkins
Modelling cell motility using active gel theory
Ben Fabry
Tumor cell migration is a superstatistical process
Matthieu Piel
Cell migration in confining spaces: pushing off the walls and
squeezing through small holes
Josef A. Käs
Biomechanical changes in tumor progression
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