Cell News 2/2015
DSCB Trippenhuis Meeting “Building and repairing Tissues”
Amsterdam, October 30, 2015
As board of the Dutch Society for Cell Biology DSCB we organize
the 5th DSCB Trippenhuis meeting entitled “Building and repairing
The meeting will take place on Friday, October 30, 2015 at “Het
Trippenhuis” (KNAW building, Kloveniersburgwal 29). This location
is close to the Central Railway station in Amsterdam. (
For more information on the final program and registration see
attached files and our web site (
The Meeting is free of charge for members of the Dutch, Belgi-
an and German Society for Cell Biology or participants that plan
to become member of the Dutch Society for Cell Biology (DSCB).
Membership of the DSCB is 20,= Euro/year and payment starts in
Registration for non-members is 25,– Euro. Please transfer this
amount to account number NL30 INGB 0000 4417 03 on the name
of "penningmeester Nederlandse Vereniging voor Celbiologie" (tre-
asurer of the Dutch Society for Cell Biology). Please mention in the
payment name participant and registration costs TH meeting 2015.
Note Registration is required also for participants that don’t need
to pay registration costs.
Registration includes coffee/thee/lunch/and drinks after the mee-
Looking forward seeing you in Amsterdam.
The organizers,
Jaap van Buul, John Collard, Mar Fernandez-Borja, Peter Hordijk
and Arnoud Sonnenberg
The Program
9:20 -9:30
9:30 - 10:10
Clare Blackburn (Edinburgh, UK)
“Building and rebuilding the thymus”
10:10 - 10:45
Niels Geijsen (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
"iTOP, a novel tool for efficient modulation of primary cells"
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee
11:15 - 11:55
Paul Martin, (Bristol, UK),
"Wound healing recapitulates embryo morphogenesis”
11:55 - 12:30
Marie Jose Goumans (Leiden, The Netherlands)
“Cardiac progenitor cells to repair the injured heart”.
12:30 - 13:05
Carlijn Voermans (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
“Advanced cellular therapies entering the clinic”
13:05 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:40
Stefano Piccolo (Padova, Italy)
“YAP/TAZ in organ growth, tissue repair and cancer”
14:40 - 15:20
Anne Blangy (Montpellier, France,)
"Targeting osteoclast adhesion to prevent bone resorption,
a new weapon against osteoporosis?"
15:20 - 15:45 Coffee
15:45 - 16:20
Marcel Jonkman (Groningen,The Netherlands)
“Revertant mosaicism: a healing source“
16:20 - 17:00
Hans Clevers (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
“Lgr5 stem cells, organoids and human disease models”
17:00 Borrel