Cell News | Issue 03, 2015 - page 4

Cell News 2/2015
Dear colleagues and friends,
we currently are in the midst of the arrangements for our next International Meeting,
which will be held from March 14 – 16 in Munich. We are very happy that Prof. Heinrich
Leonhardt from the LMU Munich agreed to join us as the local meeting president and to
bring our International Meeting to one of the brightest hotspots for cell biological re-
search in Europe. The venue will be at the biomedical center of the brand new university
campus in Martinsried.
Meanwhile, we have some tradition in inviting societies from our neighboring countries
to showcase their cell biological research. Like this year, when the Dutch Society for Cell
Biology was our guest during the International Meeting in Cologne, we have invited the
Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT) to join next
year’s meeting in Martinsried. Thus, Prof. Lukas Huber (University of Innsbruck) joined
Heinrich Leonhardt and his organization team comprising Prof. Reinhard Fässler (MPI), PD
Dr. Annette Müller-Taubenberger (LMU), and the DGZ executive committee. Moreover, we
have implemented additional innovations: First of all, the Meeting will be shorter. Perso-
nal communication with many members and our exhibitors, who are the most important
sponsors of our meeting, suggested a more compact format. The Munich meeting will be
held on three days with three plenary sessions and eight symposia covering the hottest
topics in cell biology (see page 5 for the full list of topics). Moreover, sessions will be co-
chaired by two scientists from Austria and Germany. In order to make the meeting more
attractive to young scientists, symposia will have three slots for short talks selected from
the abstracts instead of only two, and there will be an additional slot for very short flash
talks, which may be used for “poster advertisements”. Thus, the stage is set for a lively and
exciting meeting. Save the date, we would love to meet you there!
Cell biological research is an international issue. Thus, the executive committee has de-
cided to follow the invitation to join the International Federation of Cell Biology (IFCB).
The mission of the IFCB is to "promote international cooperation, and to contribute to the
advancement of cell biology in all its branches" (wp.ifcbiol.org/). Membership is free of
charge for our society. The IFCB organizes a very interesting meeting July 21 – 25 next
year in Prague
/), and has already announced a discount of 50€ for
members of all IFCB societies including the DGZ.
Last but not least I would again like to encourage you to send articles for Cell News!
Copyrights will remain completely yours and it is a wonderful chance to advertise your
research to the cell biology community. To this end, you will find more information at
Many regards,
Ralph Gräf
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