After the coffee break, Michael Murrell talked about the con-
tractility and turnover of the cytoskeleton. In particular, he
asked the question whether contraction via filament buckling
is mechanically stable. Moreover, he talked about alpha-actinin
cross-linking of the actomyosin cytoskeleton and its impact on
cell mechanics. Then, Christoph F. Schmidt presented his results
of primary cilia mechanics of epithelial cells. He pointed out
that cell division and cilia are mutually exclusive. In addition, he
mentioned that myosins act as cross-linkers and cortical dyna-
mics couples to ciliar motion. After him, Klemens Rottner gave a
talk about the lamellipodium and lamella formation during cell
migration on 2D substrates in dependence of RAC-1. He showed
that RAC-1 k.o. cells can not detect a chemotactic gradient and
show no directed migration but were able to spread more on
laminin compared to Rac-1 wild-type cells. Last but not least,
Paul Janmey talked about stiffness sensing of glioma cells and
the effect of hyaluronan in extracellular matrices in terms of
stress fibers and focal adhesion formation. He raised the ques-
tion whether mechanical signaling is fundamentally different to
chemical signaling. In particular, he pointed out that the stiff-
ness of a cell changes due to the mechanical property change of
the microenvironment.
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In summary, for me and - as far as I can tell - for all the other
participants this symposium was a very stimulating event. It
truly offered an ideal mixture of physical, medical, biochemical,
chemical and cell biological talks and provided extensive discus-
sions about the latest science in the field. We hope that all par-
ticipants and speakers will remember this special meeting well
and will join us again to follow future progress in the physical
aspects of cancer research.
The organizers would like to specially thank all persons helping to organize the meeting.
Without these helping hands the Physics of Cancer 2013 symposium would not have been
The international special meeting was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG,
MI1211/11-1), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the DGZ. Additionally, it was
sponsored by BuildMoNa, Top level research areas: Multifunctional materials and processes
from molecules to nanodevices and Molecular and cellular communication: biotechnology,
bioinformatics and biomedicine in therapy and diagnosis, JPK instruments and Cellastix.