Cell News | Issue 03-04, 2016 - page 15

Cell News 3
with an open mind. She showed the audience how focusing on
obvious features can cause you to miss small but important
findings. Dr. Sochaki’s favorite images are those of clathrin
coated structures forming on the plasma membrane. She has
adapted old electron microscopy methods and combined them
with fluorescence to be able to correlate the ultrastructure
with the location of a protein of interest. Her work has focused
on visualizing the numerous adaptors that are required to
create the fully formed clathrin pit. This work was of great
interest to many virologists as viruses often hijack the clathrin
pathway to invade cells.
In additional to the exciting keynote lecturers, 26 participants
presented the current status of their virus research. Last year’s
student speaker award winners returned and delighted the
audience with the progress that they have made over the past
year. This year the student speaker prize was given to Marta
Fratini from the lab of Dr. Steeve Boulant. Marta is a very en-
thusiastic speaker and was able to engage the audience as she
described her work on understanding the very early steps in
the clathrin dependent uptake of virus particles. She was able
to convince the audience that size does matter and the cargo
size can influence the formation of a clathrin coated pit.
The organizers would like to extend their deepest thanks to the
supporters of this workshop. The CHS foundation has been a
generous contributor that has allowed us to bring in top notch
international speakers and to provide travel support for student
award winners. The workshop would also not be possible wit-
hout the financial support of Reblikon, the German society for
Cell Biology (DGZ) and the German Society for Virology (GfV).
This was the third and final year for Dr. Steeve Boulant and Dr.
Claudia Claus to host the workshop. The co-coordinator posi-
tions have been passed, upon voting, to Dr. Pierre-Yves Lozach
from Heidelberg University and Dr. Gisa Gerold from Twincore,
Hannover. They will continue the tradition of a lively and stu-
dent friendly meeting at the Kloster Schoental and they have
already reserved the dates for next year: November 8-10, 2017.
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