Cell News | Issue 02, 2014 - page 5

Cell News 2/2014
DGZ Member Meeting
DGZ Member Meeting – Minutes
March 18 - 21, 2014, Regensburg, Germany
DGZ Member Meeting
19.3.2014 in Regensburg
Time: 1 pm - 2 pm
Attendees: 30 Members
TOP1: Confirmation of the minutes of the DGZ Member Meeting 2013.
The CEO, Prof. Oliver Gruss, asked the present members if there were any concerns about or comments on the minutes of the last
members’ meeting in Heidelberg in 2013. No issues were raised and the minutes therefore accepted.
TOP2: The president’s annual report
The president, Prof. Eugen Kerkhoff, thanked the organizers of last year's International Meeting in Heidelberg for their excellent or-
ganization and the outstanding programme. The DGZ has appreciated to carry out this meeting as a joint meeting with the Society
for Developmental Biology (GfE). Unfortunately, the current executive board of the GfE is not in support of performing their biennial
meeting again as a joint meeting with our International Meeting in 2015. The city and venue of our International Meeting in 2015 is
still a matter of discussion, since attempts to organize it in München or Düsseldorf have failed.
The president reported about the novel developments of our journal Cell News. Cell News is now an online journal with a convenient
and professionally designed homepage. Due to the short time since its launch as an online journal there is currently no statistics on
the traffic on the journal website. The DGZ is in negotiations with Dr. Dagmar Gebauer from the European Journal of Cell Biology
(Elsevier) for a closer collaboration for publishing our review articles as full publications in EJCB and to make EJCB the publishing
organ of the DGZ. Cell News should be continued for publication of short articles, news from our society and our field of work.
TOP3: Financial report
The CEO, Prof. Oliver Gruss (OG), presented the financial report for 2013. Moreover, he informed the members that, in 2013, the so-
ciety has gained 49 new members and lost 76 members. Currently the society has 1111 members.
After a drop in our assets in 2012 due to unexpected expenses from our meetings, we have consolidated our finances in 2013. There
were no unusual financial bookings in 2013. Our assets by December 31, 2014, amounted to 40,280.09
. Taken into account that the
salary for our secretary Mrs. Sabine Reichel-Klingmann was billed for 1.5 years by the DKFZ, this is almost exactly the same amount
as by the end of 2012. OG explained that Mrs. Sabine Reichel-Klingmann now holds a permanent contract with the DKFZ. Although
her salary will still be afforded by the DGZ in the future, she legally is a tenured employee of DKFZ. The executive board is eager to
increase our assets again in 2014 in order to have more flexibility in its work.
TOP4: Auditors' report
On behalf of the two auditors (Prof. Dabauvalle and Prof. Mannherz) Prof. Mannherz reported that records were checked and found
TOP5: Approval of the executive board
Prof. Mannherz applied to discharge the executive board. His petition was accepted with the following result: yes (26), abstention
(4; executive board), no (0)
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