Cell News | Issue 02, 2014 - page 6

Cell News 2/2014
TOP6: DGZ elections 2014
Ralph Gräf, Präsident: yes (151), no (1), abstention (10)
Carien Niessen, Vizepräsidentin: yes (137), no (3), abstention (20)
Oliver Gruss, Geschäftsführer: yes (150), no (0), abstention (10)
Klemens Rottner, Sekretär (in future: Vizegeschäftsführer) yes (147), no (2), abstention (11)
Ralph Gräf, Carien Niessen, Oliver Gruss and Klemens Rottner accepted their election as president, vice president, chief executive
officer and secretary, respectively.
Ergänzungswahl zum Beirat:
Thomas Dresselhaus: yes (131), no (2), abstention (25)
Volker Gerke: yes (146), no (2), abstention (12)
Doris Wedlich: yes (139), no (7), abstention (13)
The elected members of the Advisory Board, Prof. Doris Wedlich, Prof. Volker Gerke and Prof. Thomas Dresselhaus were present and
also accepted their election.
Wahl der Kassenprüfer:
Marie-Christine Dabauvalle: yes (146), no (2), abstention (12)
Hans-Georg Mannherz: yes (145), no (1), abstention (11)
Ergänzungswahl zur Preisjury:
Zoya Ignatova: yes (132), no (3), abstention (20)
Frank Schnorrer: yes (135), no (2), abstention (20)
Walter Witke: yes (140), no (1), abstention (15)
TOP7: Changes in the DGZ bylaws
The DGZ bylaws needed to be updated. The new president, Prof. Ralph Gräf, went through the bylaws point by point and mentioned
any desired change. (1) New members will be notified on their membership by a letter from the DGZ office. (2) Honorary members of
the DGZ should be appointed by the executive board instead of being elected. (3) Cancelation of the membership should be notified
to the DGZ office instead of the secretary (vice CEO, see below). (4) Members will be informed about the upcoming members' meeting
and its minutes through publication in the DGZ journal (Cell News). (5) To avoid confusion of the German term "Sekretär" for the
executive board member with our secretary in the DGZ office, the former secretary within the executive board should now be called
vice chief executive officer (vice CEO), in German “Vizegeschäftsführer”. (6) Elections should also be possible through an anonymized
online election procedure instead of the current postal voting procedure. (7) The allowed number of members in the advisory board
will be changed to “8 – 12” instead of 12.
All abovementioned changes were accepted with the following result: yes (28), abstention (2), no (0).
TOP8: Other
DGZ Member Meeting
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