Cell News 04/2019
LN capsule and subcapsular sinus. Perinodal lymphatics also
promote local interstitial flow, which cooperates with lympho-
signaling to amplify stromal CXCL13 production and
thereby promote LTi cell retention and LN organogenesis.
Although only my name appears in this review, I would like to
acknowledge all the co-authors who made this story possible. I
am grateful for their work, intellectual input and great discus-
sions. A special thank to Prof. Tatiana Petrova, whose passion
for science and strong support were a great motivation during
the last years. A special thank to Dr. Amélie Sabine, for her
enthusiastic supervision and tremendous support. I also would
like to thank all members of the Petrova group for their help
and amazing working environment. Finally, I am thankful to the
Werner Risau Prize committee and the DGZ for recognizing this
work. It is a privilege to be part of the vascular biology commu-
nity, pioneered by Werner Risau.
About the author
Esther Bovay (PhD)
Max Planck Institute for Molecular
Department of Tissue Morphogenesis,
Röntgenstraße 20, 48149 Münster,
03.2019 to present: Postdoctoral researcher
Prof. Ralf Adams laboratory, Max Planck Institute for Molecular
Biomedicine, Münster, Germany
03.2013 – 02.2018: PhD student
Prof. Tatiana Petrova laboratory, Department of Oncology, Cen-
tre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne,
Epalinges, Switzerland
09.2011 - 01.2013: M.Sc Biology
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
09.2008 - 06.2011: B.Sc Biology
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
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Figure 8. Lymphatic vessels in LN development.
LTi cells extravasate from the immature vein to initiate LN formation.
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