Cell News | Issue 04, 2019 - page 13

Cell News 04/2019
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I would like to thank my PhD supervisor and mentor Prof.
Magdalena Götz for her enormous support, endless guidance,
teachings, inspiration, and patience. Furthermore, I would like
to acknowledge previous and present mentors for their contri-
butions and great support through my education. I want also to
thank lab members, specially Pia Johansson and Sven Falk, and
external collaborators for the great work together. My acknowl-
edgments to the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences
(University of Munich) and the HELENA Graduate School (Helm-
holtz Zentrum München) for support in many aspects. Finally, I
wish to thank Nikon and the DGZ for selecting and honoring our
About the author
Germán Camargo Ortega studied biology at the Ludwig-Max-
imilians University of Munich, and during this time, he trained
with Chichung Lie (Helmholtz Center Munich) and Juan Carlos
Zúñiga-Plücker (University of Toronto) on adult hippocampal
neurogenesis and human hematopoietic stem cells, respectively.
He did his undergraduate thesis with Magdalena Götz (Helm-
holtz Center Munich and the University of Munich) researching
novels regulators of adult brain subependymal zone neural stem
cells. Afterwards, Germán continued training with Shin-ichi
Nishikawa (Riken CDB, Japan), Urban Lendahl (Karolinska Insti-
tutet) and Katarina Le Blanc (Karolinska Institutet) on embryonic
mesodermal and neural development, and human mesenchymal
stem cell biology, respectively. He re-joined the Götz lab for
doctoral training and received in early 2019 his PhD in systemic
neurosciences from the University of Munich. Germán recently
joined the lab of Timm Schroeder at ETH Zürich, where he inves-
tigates the role of centrosomes, microtubule and actin dynamics
in hematopoietic progenitor cells using single cell high resolu-
tion imaging and computational approaches.
Prof. Dr. Carien Niessen (DGZ Vice President), Prof. Dr. Oliver Gruss (DGZ
President), prize winner Dr. Germán Camargo Ortega, Dr. Kim-Miriam
Baar and Dr. Dirk Scholz (Nikon GmbH).
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